分税制区 are areas with specific financing tools to incentivize development, 帮助足球外围买球靠谱平台市发展和繁荣.
1. 在Neighborly注册 友好的门户
When you access the Portal for the first time, you’ll need to Register your account by clicking on the Register link. The registration process will create a username (which is your email address) and password that will be used for future logins. The email address you choose will also be used for system emails/notifications, so it is recommended to use your primary email address. 出于安全考虑, the system will validate that you own the registered email address by sending an email with a validation link.
2. 完整的 & 提交初步问卷
登录Neighborly后, select ‘发展奖励申请’ and complete the preliminary questionnaire. 收到填妥的问卷后, Invest Atlanta project managers will review and contact you with additional questions. If the project is determined to be eligible for a funding program, you will be granted access to the development incentives application.
3. 完整的 & 提交发展奖励申请
收到申请后, Invest Atlanta staff will review the application for content and completeness. After a fully complete application has been reviewed for consistency with Invest Atlanta and programmatic goals, 员工将对项目进行分析和评估. The project manager will contact you with any additional questions and to provide a timeline overview.
所有寻求足球外围买球靠谱平台投资基金的项目, 发展援助署资助计划*除外, will require an NPU presentation and recommendation letter (*Projects within the Beltline TAD and the 的西区 TAD neighborhoods of English Avenue and Vine City will require an NPU presentation and recommendation letter). An NPU letter is not required at the time of initial application submission but will be required prior to advancing a funding application to our Board for approval. 请在选择时机时考虑这个过程. 点击 在这里 to review complete community engagement guidelines, 请求演讲日期, 看一封样本信.